Thinking of Going Into Poultry Farming? Here is the Commercial Poultry Equipment you Really Need!

Building and planning a poultry farm has never been easy. In addition to the regulations that need to be fulfilled, the type of poultry farm to choose and the maintenance of the land, there is a lot of commercial poultry equipment that needs to be on hand in order to start a fully functioning business. But if it is so difficult, why do so many people decide to go into chicken farming in the first place?

It’ simple, because it is a very profitable business. Once planned and built, chicken farming can bring great benefits to those who own it, but first it is necessary to understand how to do it and get everything required to start a business.

Therefore, this article is aimed in particular at all those who have an interest in starting poultry farming, and who can thereby certainly benefit from some tips for beginners. Keep reading to find out what equipment is actually needed for the chicken and poultry industry. Our article offers a lot of suggestions in order to make the correct final choice.


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As you can imagine, one of the first facilities you need to have is a drinker for your chickens. In fact, although it may seem trivial, very few people know how many types of drinkers there are and, most importantly, how to choose the right one for their poultry. First of all, it is essential to measure the space you have available perfectly, because you need to understand where to place the drinker and how to make the hens drink.

Do not forget that very often the chickens build long queues when they want to drink water. Among the most popular types of drinkers are: the nipple drinker, the jar drinker, the basin, the manual drinker and the bell type – which can also be automatic. For those who are not familiar with this, it may all seem very confusing, but the secret is to understand exactly what your poultry requires: Do I need an automatic or a manual structure? What material do I want my water basin to be made of? Where can I attach or place the drinker?

Once you have answered these questions, it will be much easier to find your way around the various models and optimally organise your poultry house, so that you finally make the correct choice when you proceed with the purchase of the drinker.


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Of course, it is also important to be concerned about how you feed your chickens. Again, it is crucial to understand how you want to arrange the feeders, how much space you have available and how much feed you need. This last point in particular must be particularly taken into account, because in some types of poultry farming, the hens are free to move freely in the open air or in the surrounding space, and therefore in addition to the feed they are given, they can also integrate into their diet all the insects and grass they may find around.

The most commonly used models include: linear feeders, which have enough space for the chickens on both sides, circular feeders, to which a grid can be attached to prevent food wastage, hanging feeders, the height of which can be adjusted, and the automatic feeders, which are activated by electricity. This system allows the chickens to be free and dynamic inside the farm.


Customized, outstanding and animal-friendly solutions are what you should look for. Not only for your farm, but also for the environment and society. Whatever the project, small or large you should go with the solution that meets your needs and suits you best. You can also check tailor-made system solutions which are also ideally suited for installation or conversion projects. The sensitive day-old chick of today to the productive laying hen of tomorrow: This type of systems and solutions grow optimally with the animal and adapt to its needs. This makes the rearing house the ideal preparatory area for later life in a laying hen house.

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With the help of technical experts, you can design your ideal poultry house – both organic and conventional. They can provide you with design, detailed and submittal plans. They will aim to customize each coop to meet your individual needs. They will suggest the best product quality,   with whom your poultry house will stand out with durability and economical handling. Also experts will try to assist you in the areas of spare parts and repairs.


The European Food Safety Authority states that the protection of animals and their welfare (food, rest, stress-free environment) allows a higher quality production for the benefit of human health. For this reason, SKA works with technologically advanced techniques and processes in order to guarantee the well-being of all the animals. Animal protection laws were enacted for the purpose of protecting the life and welfare of animals. The principle is: “No person shall cause pain, suffering or harm to any animal”.  Each species of animal has very specific needs in terms of environment, nutrition and care. If these cannot be met, the animal suffers.  In almost all European countries there are important laws for the protection of animals, but also numerous laws for animal owners concerning identification and husbandry.

Do you need more information? Don’t hesitate to check the official website: