Dahlia blossoms are beautiful, delicate, colorful, and attractive for everyone who wants to have a beautiful garden. They really look exotic, even though there are a lot of types and species that come under the same name. The colors can be different, and the way the buds look. That means the way you take care of them can be different. They need some specific conditions to grow, the right lighting, soil, and outdoor temperature.
If you want to plant them in your garden, you can get them here first, and then look for the most valuable advice and tips on how to take care of your new flowers, so they can award you with the most delicate, but still spectacular blooms. You can plant them in late spring, and enjoy their beauty and elegance all summer long, and even the beginning of the autumn.
While we are here, it’s good to know that they come from the same family as daisies, sunflowers, zinnias, and beautiful chrysanthemums. It’s also important to know that they can come in different sizes and colors, even though their tubers seem all the same. They don’t want extreme summer temperatures, so if you live in hot areas, you may need to look for another flower that will fit your garden better.
So, here are a few useful tips on how to do that:
1. Planting them and taking the initial care
They don’t want cold soil, so you need to wait until the spring, so you can be sure there is no spring frost, that may ruin them immediately. Some people even decide to grow the tubers inside their homes for a month and then move the sprouts in the soil outside. Most of the dahlia types will grow during the summer and last until the first autumn days. They need a zone in a garden that is mostly shady but still provides enough light and heat, so they can grow faster. Optimally, they need at least six hours of direct sunlight so they can grow nicely, especially in the morning sun. Try to protect them from the wind. Make sure that the soil you use is neutral to acidic, and you can mix it with a little sand for better water drainage. It’s also good to know that they don’t compete with the other flowers around them too.
2. Choose the tubers carefully
The real florists, who are professionally doing this, know that the best tubers are those formed in the fall. They may look like tiny potatoes with a base stem since they don’t sprout. If there is no stem, then you won’t get any flowers. That’s why they usually come as a clump with a stem, or they have a bud attached to the clump, so the stem can be easily formed.
3. What time is the best time to plant them?
As we said, the best time is the middle of spring or a little bit later, because the ice and frost can completely damage the tubers. If you decide to start growing them inside the house, you need to use a growing mix together with water, soil, and fertilizer (if you want). Make sure the stem is also covered with a tiny layer of soil. Make sure the pots are always in a warm place, and you use water regularly, in smaller quantities. After you are sure the cold spring days are away, you can proceed to move them outside, and plant them in rows, about 12 centimeters from each other.
4. Water them regularly
When they are outside and grow rapidly, you can add some more fertilizer, but if you don’t want to use it, it’s also good. But, one thing you can’t skip ever – you have to water them regularly, all the time. They need moisture in order to grow properly. You have to be consistent with the amount of water, and also the timing. You can water them regularly every day, and deep water them once a week. Add mulch around, so they can use the moisture properly. According to many experienced florists, you don’t need to use additional fertilizer, if the soil contains enough of it. If you still want to use fertilizer, you can use nitrogen one for a few weeks, after buds are grown. In every other case, the universal fertilizer is enough for them.
5. Don’t use chemical pesticides
Insects don’t really like dahlias, so you don’t need to use some strong pesticide to resolve the issue. But they may still come to your plant. Slugs and snails can often be found around them, so it’s better to use an organic repellent, instead of chemical pesticides. Always remove the other herbs that may appear around them.
6. Their origin
Their origins are based in Mexico and Central America, and there are plenty of professional breeders and gardeners who can grow plenty of types, that are both unique and beautiful. They are an exceptional choice for floral arrangements. New breeds are easily adaptable to almost every weather condition, and they last long when harvested and put in a vase.
7. Be careful if you have pets
Dahlias can be toxic to your pets, so if you have a cat or dog that often stays in the garden, you need to limit their access there or find another plant that is suitable to the conditions in your yard. That’s the only way to be sure that nothing will happen to your beloved family member. If you already have them, and you own a pet, then you need to know that the symptoms are the same as food poisoning, and you need to take it to the vet on time, to prevent bad and unwanted outcomes.
There are a lot of things you need to know about the flowers in general, but keep in mind that every king is different, and you may have to learn a lot of new things about them, so you can take care properly. And these are the most important things you need to know about beautiful dahlias.