Well, there is a good reason why people prefer to have a house. This especially counts when we talk about people that lived for a long time in urban areas. People want to get away from the noise and crowds. Neighborhoods where you can find a lot of houses are usually peaceful. Despite that, living in a building does not allow you to have a garden.
Nature is necessary to everyone and it always has a positive impact on our mood. However, our job is in the town, our kids go to school, and living far away from the city is almost impossible. Because of that, we need to bring a piece of nature in our home. More precisely, we need to maintain our backyard to fully enjoy our small piece of nature.
Well, maintaining the garden can be tough because of many reasons. This especially counts when we talk about the mowing schedule. People usually want to keep their lawn healthy and green. There is always a “quiet competition” between neighbors. Each one wants to have the most beautiful lawn (and entire garden).
The things about this duty become complex when the warm months come. The grass in our garden constantly grows and it is hard to predict the right time to cut it. Fortunately, you came to the right place to find certain answers that will help.
The Time Is Irrelevant Here
This is the most important piece of advice that you should remember. People struggle to determine the right mowing schedule. However, the schedule is not so important. Something that truly matters is the length of your grass.
Let’s use an example that happens all the time. Many house owners will complain that their green seems a bit yellow and dried after mowing. Well, there is one good reason why this probably happens. People usually have the blade on the mower set too low.
Understandably, people would like to get a super-short lawn. Most of us have seen that type of grass in movies. However, this is usually impossible to achieve because most of the people do not have a specific variety of grass. Despite that, you will have to invest a lot of care in fertilizing and most people do not do that.
Do not consider yourself irresponsible if you are not extra careful to your garden. It is a normal thing for all the people in the world. There are many duties that we need to accomplish daily and the grass is not one of the priorities. However, do not try to achieve something unachievable. You should let your grass grow a little longer. In this way, you will see the positive results and the grass in your garden will look healthier.
How to Mow Your Lawn Correctly?
Well, we said that the wrong way of mowing your lawn can harm the quality of the grass. Because of that, there are certain tips that we would want to share with you. We recommend you apply each one because they are all equally important.
First of All – Educate Yourself
Improving your knowledge about this subject is possible in several different ways. First of all, you should strive to improve your theoretical knowledge. You can do that by reading books, watching tutorials on YouTube, visiting different educational websites, etc. For instance, starting with grasslawnscare.com would be the best choice. There you can find everything from best weed killers for lawns to how to get a thicker lawn.
Despite that, it always good to see some examples in real life. Go around your neighborhood and see how their lawn looks. Do not be shy to ask someone to explain to you how he mows his lawn. Pieces of advice that we get can be quite valuable for your backyard.
Get a Good Lawn Mower
The equipment that you use is also important. A crappy lawnmower brings bad results in most cases (always). Because of that, you need to find a good lawn mower that will meet your requirements and expectations. We are not here to recommend any of them. The Internet is full of reviews and we recommend you check them all. However, explore previously if a certain person/blog has the credibility to talk about this subject.
Start with Sharp Blades
We are here to highlight some of the mistakes that people make as well. One of the common mistakes is that people mow their lawn with dull mower blades. This is something you need to change as soon as possible to get good results.
Sharp blades are the only ones that can cut the grass cleanly. Despite that, the entire blade will remain healthy as well. Do you know what you get with dull blades? Your grass gets torn, you are not truly cutting it. Each time when you tore the grass, it gets stressed because you are pulling the roots. In that case, your grass loses the necessary quality and health. You can try out different methods after that, but most of them won’t be helpful.
Use Two Types of Patterns when Cutting Grass
Every homeowner has the option to choose between when cutting the grass. The first one is to go from one side of the lawn to another. After that, you back in the same direction. This method is most commonly used and it is good when you are mowing the standard lawns.
The other method is equally effective, but it might be a bit more complex. You can use the circular pattern to mow your lawn. People with unusually shaped gardens use this method more often. It can also be quite helpful if there is a tree in the center of the yard.
Anyway, it doesn’t truly matter which method of these two you will pick. The more important thing is to decide on one before even starting the process. It is also important that you use the same method for every next mowing.
Before we say “goodbye”, let’s make some sort of conclusion. Indeed, your garden requires extra attention. However, do not mow your lawn too often because that doesn’t guarantee success. Apply the tips that we gave you, educate yourself, and the results will be as you imagine.