Beautiful flowers are the decoration of any place. If you have a garden that can be planted with various types of flowers, then you are in a special advantage. That will be your oasis of peace and enjoyment.
How To Have A Beautiful Garden At All Times Of The Year?
You may not have thought of it this way, but the fact is that a well-kept garden can give you more peace and privacy than a tall concrete fence. The intention is the same, and the effect is significantly different. Today’s lifestyle is accompanied by great excitement and stress.
To maintain balance, it is necessary to find a counterbalance to chaos, the fast pace of life and daily stress. Resting in a less noisy environment is very beneficial. You can enjoy watching nature, leaves, flowers and plants as they grow. This is possible if you own a backyard or a piece of land that you can turn into your garden.
The Rules Of Planting
In any garden, whether it’s large or small – the rule is to plant plants of greater height in the bottom of the yard or along the edges of neighborhood homes. Planting more plants next to the walls of neighboring houses will enrich the walls and when in the garden, you will not look at the neighbor’s wall but to the green flowering plants.
How To Fit Plants Together?
It is proper to plant low plants along the edges of the path and closer to home. This way you will get stunts. Do not plant low plants individually but in groups, combining the colors of the flowers you like. The low shrubs are quite resistant.
You can opt for Euonymus, Abelia with pink flower, Berberis, etc. You will have purple and white flowers in winter if you plant Erice, white flowers if you choose Hebe Albicans. Spiraea has white, pink and purple flowers, Hypericum yellow, and Potentilla white, yellow and pink.
The Splendour Of Colour In Your Garden
To make your garden look as luxurious and colorful as possible, you can choose flowers whose color will make your garden almost a paradise. Here are some of our suggestions:
1. Hyacinth
These flowers originate from Asia Minor, and in Europe, this bulbous plant has been domesticated since the 16th century. There are two types of hyacinths – Roman and Dutch. Roman hyacinth, has rare flowers but a strong scent and usually blooms in white, pink and blue-violet colors. There is also a Dutch hyacinth, characterized by densely compacted flowers in white, beige, pink, red or purple. Hyacinth propagation takes place by seed or bulb separation.
Hyacinths flowers are best to be planted in the fall. Insert the bulbs into the ground about 15 cm deep and make sure that there is not much air left under the bulb which can cause them to rot. The distance between hyacinth bulbs should be 15-20 centimeters. It is best to plant hyacinth in a place with plenty of sunlight, whether it is grown in an apartment, garden or balcony. Make sure the soil is rich in compost and humus.
2. Lilly
Lilly (Lilium), a genus of bulbs that mostly blooms in summer, is grown because of the fragrant flowers of pastel colors. From each fleshy bulb grows one leafy stem full of oblong leaves. The flowers are trumpet-shaped, with tips slightly bent at the back. The most popular are Asian hybrids, available in a great range of colors and exquisite scent. Check out these on Floraqueen, as they are one of the most popular types is Oriental Lilly. Pink Stargazer Lilies are one of the most beautiful flowers you can give to someone.
But, if you grow them in your garden, you must pay attention to a few things. Lilies are not resistant to heavy winter frosts, especially if they are in pots. Their growth height varies from garden habitat (1m-1.3m). If there is plenty of light and sunshine, there will be shorter but will have lusher growth. They grow up to 30 cm wide.
3. Freesia
Freesia (Freesia Refracta) is a tubular plant that is grown for its often fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers. It is popular as cut flowers because its flowers are long-held in water. It belongs to the Iridaceae family, native to South Africa. The leaves are narrow, pointed and green. They are partially frost resistant. They bloom in late spring and summer. Freesias can grow up to 30 cm in height.
Although there are numerous theories about field sowing, our recommendation is to plant freesia hybrids from Dutch growers as pot plants during the winter in greenhouses or directly in the garden in early spring. It is suitable for fertile soil that is well-drained in combination with sand. Freesias need full sunshine for their lush and fragrant blooms. Watering them regularly will help them grow. During summer high temperatures, these plants are most comfortable with morning watering.
4. Iris
Iris (Iridaceae) is a genus of bulbous perennial plants. They are grown for their colorful flowers, often with three hanging or half hanging petals. They are suitable for garden edges, rocky, forest, greenhouse and pots. They are frost resistant. They are favored by slightly alkaline soil, and they thrive well in acidic soil. Drainage in the soil can enhance root system development and accelerate flowering.
Irises love sunny places in the garden. The nutrition is used during spring, before bud formation. It is recommended to use a fertilizer with increased potassium and phosphorus. The iris should be replanted after four years of vegetation on the same soil to make room for new shoots.
5. Primula
Primula is a perennial, herbaceous plant. It is a herald of spring, the first flowering plants in the garden with the start of sunny, warm days. It is frost resistant. Depending on the conditions of care and season, it can grow 15-25 cm in height. Primula is propagated by seed, in autumn to spring, or by root cuttings during winter (depending on the species).
Sowing is done in the fall to bloom in early spring or summer. It is desirable to plant seeds at a depth of up to 5 mm in a moist, sterile substrate (pH value 5.5). It is recommended to feed twice a week during the growing season.
6. Tulips
Tulips are a genus of bulbs that mainly bloom in the spring. Each bulb has several linear green leaves on the stem. These flowers usually have six-pointed petals. Each plant is up to 20 cm wide. Tulips correspond to slightly acidic soil. They are ideal for spring stone gardens. In the period of growth and flowering, if they are in a warmer room or have a drier soil, regular watering is required.
7. Amaryllis
Large, funnel-shaped flowers on a long stem with care and adequate care can make us happy twice a year with its ampleness. Still, this plant is not frost resistant. The minimum temperature it can handle is 13 degrees Celsius. It grows up to 50 cm in height and 30 cm wide.
Amaryllis is suitable for flowering on outside temperatures only from April. It requires sunny or partly shady places, with good drainage in the soil. It does not like a large amount of watering. During flowering, it is enough to occasionally pour lukewarm water into the flower stem.
8. Carnation
These are biennial and perennial plants, which bloom mostly in summer, and are grown because of the abundance of flowers, often fragrant. They are semi-resistant to frost. Carnations need sunny, open places and mild alkaline soil with good drainage. Fertilization is recommended once in about ten days.