Whether a coffee lover’s preference is espresso, cappuccino, iced coffee, or something else, they will no doubt be interested to learn more about the various types of coffee available. From unroasted green beans to beautifully roasted and ground blends, there are so many delicious ways to get the daily caffeine kick that it can be hard to know where to begin.
Coffee can be divided into four significant subgroups, i.e., by the coffee beans, the type of coffee roast, and whether the coffee drink is hot or cold. Coffee enthusiasts should hop on the tgroast.com website for more information on the different types of coffee.
Coffee Culture Around the World
Coffee culture is a unique phenomenon that has soared in popularity over the past few decades, with it becoming one of the most consumed beverages in the world. This industry has become big business, with these shops and roasters popping up all over the world.
But coffee isn’t just a business – it’s also a beloved pastime, shared together between friends and loved ones. From city breakfasts to international barista competitions, it has become woven into our culture in countless ways.
Different countries have their own unique way of consuming the much-loved beverage – there is more to drinking it than just throwing some grounds in a pot. Here’s an overview of how different countries have adopted it as part of their culture:
- Scandinavia is famous for its popular beverage known as påakaffe or “Black Coffee” – made from slow-brewed Arabica beans without milk or sugar added by tradition (although this rule can be broken).
- In France, café au lait takes precedence over black coffee – each day starts with regular long coffees served with milk and sweetener, often accompanied by a fresh pastry or croissant to start the day off properly.
- Italy boasts two very different styles of espresso; freddo combines equal parts espresso and ice while Ristretto packs more flavour into less volume. Italians take their national pride seriously when it comes to their distinct brewing method called caffè corretto: espresso “corrected” with liqueur such as grappa or Sambuca for added strength and flavour.
- In India, traditional filters allow for paper-thin sediments to pass through during the brewing process – resulting in thick scented rich filter coffees that must be diluted before serving. They are usually consumed as ‘Chai Ka Khanom’ – french pressed whole bean filter set against condensed milk with aromatic spices like cardamom, cinnamon and clove, brewed up traditionally over an open flame making up sizeable 8oz servings – found sold on roadside carts throughout towns!
Types of coffee beans
Coffee beans come in two varieties: Arabica and Robusta. These are the two types of coffee plants that are grown frequently worldwide.
When considering types of coffee beans, Arabica is undoubtedly a top contender. Arabica is generally considered to provide the most flavorful cup of coffee with a slightly sweet and balanced aroma compared to other types of beans. Additionally, because it’s grown in distinct high-altitude climates, Arabica beans have unique characteristics such as bolder flavors or higher acidity levels.
Coffee lovers and enthusiasts know that there are many different types of coffee beans, each boasting unique qualities. One popular variety is Robusta, a Coffea canephora bean known for its intense flavor and robust caffeine content. With origins in Central and Western Africa, Robusta beans also boast a low acidity, making them an excellent choice for espresso-based drinks. Robusta beans are known for their distinctive shape, which is rounder with deeper grooves than other varieties.
Type of coffee roast
Coffee enthusiasts can purchase four different roasts. They include; golden, medium, light, and dark coffee beans.
Dark coffee beans
There is a large variety of coffee roasts available, all offering their own unique, delicious flavor. Dark roast coffees are known for their strong, bold flavor and smoky aroma. The beans used in dark roast coffee are roasted longer than other coffee beans, giving their darker color and robust flavor. This coffee is an excellent choice for those who prefer solid tastes and have been drinking coffee for years. It also pairs exceptionally well with milk-based beverages like lattes or cappuccinos for a luxurious treat.
Light coffee beans
Light-roasted coffees have a rare sweetness and a wide range of flavors that make each sip unique. These light roasts are low in acidity and do not have complex aftertastes, making them easier to drink than other profiles. They also tend to have a higher caffeine content due to their shorter roasting time compared to other profiles. The light roast profile allows connoisseurs to taste the distinct nuances in the flavor of different beans without being overwhelmed by bitterness or smokiness, which can come with darker roasts.
Medium Roast Coffee Beans
Coffee fans know that the roast is essential in crafting a fantastic cup of coffee. Medium-roasted beans have been heated longer than light-roasted beans but to a lesser degree than dark roasts. Coffee experts say flavor profiles from medium-roasted beans typically embody medium acidity and a balanced, complex body. Medium roasts are often described as bright, lively, sweet, and smooth, making them well-suited for lighter espressos, lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, and more. Mexico, Colombia, India, and Ethiopia are popular regions that produce unique medium roasts.
Golden Coffee beans
Golden Coffee Roast is a unique type of coffee that has distinct characteristics. It stands out from the rest because of its high light brown color and delicate flavor profile. Most connoisseurs would describe it as having notes of nuts, cocoa, and toasted grains. Interestingly, it has been found to contain fewer volatile chemicals than darker roasts, making it potentially the healthiest of all types.
When brewed with care, this roast can produce a smooth cup that many enjoy, both hot and iced. For those looking to try this unique type of coffee for the first time, some suggested grind sizes are among the finest for an Aeropress or French press. Adding just a bit of sugar to Golden Coffee highlights the subtle notes within this delightful beverage.
Types of hot coffee drinks
The following coffee or espresso drink variants are typically offered in every coffee shop. They all demonstrate how adaptable the common coffee bean is.
Espresso is one of the most popular coffee types, made by forcing hot water under pressure through very finely ground coffee beans. Baristas will need an espresso machine to make espresso, but an at-home option such as a stovetop Moka pot or French press may work just as well. Espresso typically has a full-flavored taste and a significantly thicker texture than other drip brews. It is also more robust due to the higher grounds-to-water ratio during extraction, making it the best base for mixed drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.
The cappuccino has become a signature drink in the coffee world and is one of the most popular hot coffee drinks. Originally served as an Italian espresso beverage, today’s Americanized version usually features a shot or two of espresso topped with generous amounts of foamed milk. Cappuccino is typically finished with a dusting of cocoa powder or ground cinnamon, adding flavor and visual appeal. For individuals looking for something sweet without too much caffeine, many baristas will add flavored syrups like hazelnut or almond.
Americano is a hot coffee drink that gained its name from the Italian word for American. The traditional Americano is made with one part espresso and two parts hot water. This drink comes from much earlier than coffee houses’ rise in popularity in the past 50 years. It was developed during World War II to provide a cup of coffee to military personnel and civilians who needed something with some more heft than what they were used to.
While initially created by diluting existing espresso, it’s now being served in cafes worldwide. It has an intense, bright flavor that carries overtones of bitterness and sweetness depending on how expertly it’s prepared and how fresh it is; it is comparable in taste to black tea.
A latte is a type of hot coffee drink that is composed of espresso and steamed milk. Depending on the consumer’s preference, it can be made with whole, skim, or non-dairy alternatives. Additionally, each cup typically has some foam for added texture and is often finished with a sprinkle of cinnamon or sweetener as desired. Lattes are incredibly versatile, from classic to flavored options, making them perfect for every coffee lover.
Cold Coffee Drinks
Espresso and coffee-based drinks aren’t just for colder weather. An iced coffee beverage might be ideal for cooling down while the sun is out.
Cold Brew
Cold brew is a unique twist on traditional coffee. It’s made by slowly steeping coarse ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period, usually twelve to eighteen hours. The result is a concentrate that can be mixed with hot or cold water to create the desired beverage. Cold Brew tends to have a smoother and lower acidity than regular brewed coffee, making it incredibly refreshing and easy to drink, mainly when served chilled over ice. Its popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, with more and more cafes adding cold brews to their menus.
Iced Coffee
Iced coffee is generally made by brewing espresso or strong black coffee with cold water or ice, resulting in a sweet and light drink. Iced coffees can be served located for a summery experience or blended with ice and milk to form a creamy cold drink. Coffee lovers can also adjust the strength of iced coffee to suit their tastes by adding flavorings, creamers, and sweeteners.
Iced Espresso
Iced espresso is a cold coffee beverage created by pouring freshly brewed espresso shots over ice. This makes a wonderfully refreshing and energizing drink, perfect for the summer months. Baristas need two shots of espresso, simple syrup, half-and-half or whole milk, and crushed ice to make the classic version of iced espresso. Add the syrup to the espresso shots and mix it thoroughly before pouring over the ice. This will help create an even flavor profile. Finally, top it off with some cream or milk for a delicious finish.
Coffee has many different varieties that can affect the flavor and aroma of a cup of brewed coffee. Coffee beans, roaster types, and other brewing methods influence the drink’s taste. Hot drinks vary from straight espresso drinks to blended options like lattes or cappuccinos. Cold coffees offer alternatives for hot beverage enthusiasts with creations such as frappe or affogato. Whatever a coffee lover’s preferences may be, discovering the complex world of coffee and learning about all its different types of flavors provides a unique experience that no other beverage can provide.