12 Tips For Preventing Mouse & Rat Infestation In Your House

Rodents, particularly rats, are closely linked to humans. That’s because people and their dwellings provide the things they need most to thrive. If you have a rodent infestation, professionals can help.

First and foremost, some basic things can be done to keep rats out of your home.

What Do Rats Need?

Humans provide the three essential things rats need to live:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Shelter

Why Are Rodents Like Rats Dangerous?

Source: goallpest.com

Rats cause several problems and can’t be allowed to linger. The dangers of having rats in your home include:

  • Damage to your property.
  • The spread of diseases, several of which can be fatal.
  • Contaminated food storage and preparation areas.
  • The risk of fires from chewed wires.

How To Keep Rats Away?

The best strategy on how to keep rats away is to work to keep these pests out of your home to start with. Once an infestation has begun, they are hard to get rid of. Here are the steps you can take to keep these rodents out of your home and away for good:

1. Fill Holes, Cracks, And Gaps

Source: loveproperty.com

Rats can slip into holes the size of a quarter. Check your home for any opening that is size and more prominent. Seal them up with proper materials. These include steel wool, hardware cloth, caulk, cement, and plaster. Weather-strip doors and windows if there are large cracks. For rats and mice control, ask professionals to help like rodentcontrolinc.com

2. Please Don’t Feed Them

Rats are resourceful. They will find things to eat around your property, so you must be diligent in dealing with them. Cover garbage cans at all times. Pick produce from your garden and trees as it ripens. Pick up and compost fruit and vegetables that fall to the ground. Feed outdoor pets during the day, and don’t leave leftover food around. Don’t store pet food outside without ensuring it’s in rodent-proof containers.

3. Remove Their Habitat

Don’t give these vermin a place to live. Remove debris such as limbs, old cars, or appliances from your property. If you have wood piles or lumber, store them at least 18 inches above the ground and a foot away from your home and other walls. Remove heavy vegetation, as rats consider this a great hiding place.

4. Trim Trees, Shrubs, And Limbs Back Four Feet From Your Home

Source: peppershomeandgarden.com

Rats aren’t Olympians; they can’t bridge that gap.

5. Set Traps Inside

There are several commercially available traps to catch rats inside your home that are not dangerous to pets and children, for example, cage traps.

6. Use Baits And Poisons Outside

Toxic baits and poisons should be used outside the home. Rats can spread poison inside your home, making it dangerous for all. Always read and follow label directions. Make sure rat bait is in an enclosed bait station. Keep the appeal where children and pets can’t reach it.

7. Check Your Neighborhood

Source: penncapital-star.com

Chances are, rats are a neighborhood issue. If you have a rat problem, it’s probably you won’t be the only one dealing with these rodents. Band together with neighbors to check community areas for rat activity. Take the same steps listed above in these areas.

8. Call The Pros

The most effective step for eliminating rats is to call on professional rat exterminators when you see evidence of a rat infestation. Rats are dangerous, so it’s best not to take a chance when dealing with them. Expert help will give you much better results than working on your own.

9. Use Rodent Repellent

Apply mice or rat repellent to your living space to live in peace and harmony. This is an extra layer of protection that will keep specific rodents away. Just be sure to select the rodent repellent for the type of animal that you suspect is living in or near your home.

Some find using bay and mint leaves send the rodents scurrying. Those who have succeeded with this method crush the bay and mint leaves and sprinkle them along areas most likely traversed by rodents, such as windowsills, cabinets, and pantries. However, DIY attempts to repel rodents will only take you so far. It is always best to lean on the professionals to clear out those pesky animals comprehensively and effectively.

10. Be Mindful When Feeding Birds And Other Animals

If you feed birds or have a dog, cat, or other animals on the property, be careful when feeding them. If you have an infestation, it is sensible to refrain from feeding outdoor birds, as the food remaining on the grass will attract rodents. Some find switching to husk-less food works best, as it minimizes residue that has the potential to attract rodents.

11. Stop Taking Out The Garbage So Frequently

Source: spicejin.com

If you take out the garbage daily or every other day, you should know that this habit attracts rodents. Trash that sits for several days will generate an odor that appeals to rodents, insects, and other animals. Do not keep trash bags or cans by the door, as the lingering smell will bring rodents and other creatures to your living space.

12. Mind The Odor Of Your Property

If trash cans are placed along your home’s exterior, ensure they are fully secured. Each trash bin should be secured with a lid that a rodent cannot breach. Mice are capable of leaping a foot upward in the air. Rats can jump two feet high. These animals will find a way to access your trash unless it is firmly sealed with a reliable lid.


Rats are one of the most frustrating household pests. They harbor diseases, destroy your house, and contaminate your food.

All the advice mentioned is great at preventing a rodent infestation, but what if you wake up one day and discover that your house is riddled with rats and mice? The important thing is not to panic and call the professionals right away!