In May 2015, BioSafe Systems initiated a lab study to assess the acute contact toxicity potential of the OMRI listed and EPA approved bactericide, OxiDate 2.0, to prove that the crop solution is also safe to use in the presence of honey bees.

The 96 hour toxicity test was conducted by exposing Apis mellifera (honey bees) through direct topical application of OxiDate 2.0 in strict accordance with the EPA guideline 850.3020, and observed at ~4 hours after initial dosing and at 24 hours through 96 hours for mortality and clinical signs of intoxication such as ataxia, lethargy, hypersensitivity and more.

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The conclusions of the study show that BioSafe Systems’ OxiDate 2.0 is non-toxic and safe on honey bees when crops are sprayed at labeled concentrations and bees are actively visiting the treatment area.