Use of Silicon for Healthier Greenhouse Plants

Use of Silicon for Healthier Greenhouse Plants

Raising resilient, high-quality marketable greenhouse crops requires the right mix of nutrients. The variety of commercially available fertilizers allows producers to provide a proper balanced level of minerals and nutrients to produce healthy plants. Incorporating silicon into your fertilizer program can be especially important for plants grown in soil-less substrates as silicon is naturally found … Read more

Greenhouse Sanitation: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Greenhouse Sanitation

Sanitation is one of the most oft-overlooked management strategies in a greenhouse operation. The warm, humid climate provides an ideal host for pathogens to accumulate and increase over time. Left unchecked, pathogens, which ultimately lead to disease, can significantly limit an operation’s potential for profitability. Greenhouse Sanitation Read about: Spud Detail: Potato Growing Strategy Diseases and pests … Read more

Keep Greenhouse Crops Cool in the Summer

Greenhouse Crops

Excessive heat can stunt plant growth and requires more frequent watering to keep plants healthy. The “ideal” house temperature will somewhat vary based on the crop. The majority of plants require daytime temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and slightly lower nighttime temperatures. Other crops grow better with cooler overnight lows. In general, as … Read more

Greenhouse Crops for the Off-Season

Greenhouse Crops

In today’s world, every business must compete for customers’ attention. People are over-stimulated and easily distracted with cluttered advertising on their digital devices on television and in print. Business owners are forced to find unique methods for capturing and maintain a customer’s attention. Greenhouse Crops Read about:  Editors Note: The Importance of Cultivating Relationships Greenhouse growers typically … Read more