Even though a vast majority of individuals consider farming to be a lucrative business, there are numerous things to take care of before one can start earning some profit from this type of venture. Without question, buying the appropriate farm and livestock equipment should be one of the top priorities on your “to-do” list you should cover, thus, we advise you to read through the following list of tips and tricks and make the most of the pieces of advice envisaged both to facilitate and enhance your farming campaign.
1. Old VS New
When we say old, we actually think of used pieces of farm and livestock equipment that are still capable of delivering desired results. Even though the difference between second-hand and brand-new is clearly reflected in the difference in price and mileage, there is actually more about choosing what fits you best than meets the eye at a first glance.
Naturally, a new piece of farm equipment will cost more than the same piece that has been used for some time, but it does not mean the used tool will not deliver the same results as the one that comes straight from the store. Thus, we advise you to assess the offer thoroughly before making any final arrangements.
On the other hand, what you cannot expect from a second-hand piece of equipment is the warranty, which can be lifesaving if things do not unravel the way you planned. Therefore, consider whether a piece you are interested in is worth the risk, or you should not take your chances and choose the one that comes with a receipt.
Another thing we should emphasize when determining which option would work best is technical support. Namely, buying a reach-me-down item is not much different from a pig in a poke, unless you trade with a person you can trust. In opposition, a manufacturer should provide technical support for a specific number of years. Still, the decision remains yours to be made, thus, make an effort and do your homework before making hasty decisions.
2. Timing
Usually, people buy farm and livestock equipment when they need it, which is definitely what you should avoid. In some cases, people need to act immediately and replace a piece of equipment as soon as possible, otherwise, they would suffer even larger expenses.
What we would like to underline is that if you want to save a buck or two, it is of utter importance to buy when the season is out. Namely, if you need a machine for planting or harvesting specific cultures, such as cereals, you would want to avoid the first and the last quarter, since the demand grows steadily at this time of year, as well as the price. On the other hand, it would be smart to sell specific tools during this period, since you could score a better price.
3. Test the Equipment
One does not buy farm and livestock equipment every day, so testing is considered vital. After all, you would not want to end up with a piece of equipment ready to be discarded. What we advise you to bring a mechanic with you if you intend on buying specific farm machines since they might point out both potential flaws and positive features of the machine in question.
On the other hand, when livestock equipment is in question, the approach to selection differs significantly, and guys from Canarm will gladly offer you a piece of advice on how to pick exactly what you need.
4. Look For Discounts
The consumer society which we live in has its perks, so it is up to you whether you are going to use them or not. Namely, scoring a discount when purchasing farm equipment is what you should consider a bargain, especially if you consider how expensive specific pieces can be.
On the other hand, various companies offer illusory discounts. Namely, they would point out the discounted price as it were something worth your time and budget-friendly, while, in reality, they would do nothing more but raise the initial price so they could put it on discount afterward.
Therefore, we urge you to inform yourself and learn about the true value of a specific piece, just so you would not deliriously spend more money than you should because that discount sign drew your attention. Compare prices you find online with the ones you find in stores and draw a conclusion from the gathered material so you do not waste a single buck.
5. Buy What You Need
We all know how easy it is to spend hard-earned money, so wasting it on machines and pieces of equipment you will not use would be strategically wrong. Also, do bear in mind that it is much easier to buy a piece than to sell it, so the last thing you want would be to buy something that would do nothing else but occupy space and collect dust.
Put everything on paper and try to conclude how long would you need to use a particular piece of equipment to start making a profit from it. If you are not satisfied with the results you obtain, feel free to cross it out from the list of things your farm needs at the given moment. Also, think about the true value of particular pieces and consider whether you will be able to sell them for the same amount as you intend on paying for them in the first place. Make sure to check out Real Industries in buying the best livestock equipment in the market.
Hopefully, the aforementioned tips and tricks will help you end up with exactly the piece of farming and livestock equipment you need, at the price you feel comfortable with. Just remember to take your time and wait for the right moment, since this simple approach can help you save up a significant sum of money. Also, make sure you only purchase goods you know what to do with, whether you intend on using them on your farm or you think about reselling them for extra profit.