Marijuana is a unique plant, hence has specific care needs. But with a little knowledge and the right tools, you can grow marijuana indoors without much effort.
Here are LED light tips that will help you grow cannabis successfully and get the maximum yield.
How far away should LED lights be from plants?
When growing marijuana with LED lights, make sure that the distance between the grow light and the plants is correct. If it is too close, the leaves will burn and turn brown; if it is too far away, the plants won’t receive enough light to thrive.
To determine whether or not your plants are receiving enough light, look at their leaves. If they are green and healthy-looking, then they are getting enough light. If they have spots on them or appear burnt or yellowed, then you need to adjust the distance between your plants and they grow lights.
Led Light Distance to Marijuana Plants
First, you need to know the right distance of led lights for marijuana plants. The Led Light Distance refers to the distance between a light source and the plant or crop being grown. This distance is measured in feet but it can be in cm.
The distance between the LED light and the plant should be between 12-24 inches. This can vary depending on the type of LED grow light you are using.
Why are LED the Best Lights for Growing Marijuana Indoors?
There are different types of lighting systems that can be used in growing marijuana, but LED lights are the best choice.
LEDs are good because they use less electricity and last longer than other types of lamps. They also emit less heat, so they can be placed closer to your plants without worrying about them being damaged by the heat.
This means you can have more light per square inch of plant space, which is ideal for indoor growers who want their plants to grow as big as possible before harvesting them.
The best LED grow lights for marijuana will come with a spectrum similar to the sun’s light so that your plants get all the nutrients they need from photosynthesis.
Here are some more tips that will help you in your quest to grow marijuana:
Marijuana indoor planting requires some specific conditions to grow well. Marijuana plants are sensitive to light, temperature, humidity, and nutrients. If you want to grow successful marijuana indoors, you must know how to provide these conditions for them.
1. Start With Good Soil
It’s tempting to use soil from your yard or garden, but this isn’t always the best option for growing cannabis because most soils lack nutrients and drainage for cannabis plants. Instead, buy soil specifically designed for growing marijuana from a store.
You can also try making your own soil by mixing perlite with peat moss and vermiculite; this combo provides excellent drainage while retaining moisture in the root zone so that plants don’t suffer from overwatering.
2. Use The Right Container
You don’t need any special equipment to grow marijuana indoors; all you need is a container with holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain out. However, there are many different options available depending on how much space you have available and what type of setup you want to use.
If you’re just starting out with indoor growing, a 5-gallon bucket will work fine. This can be drilled with holes and filled with soil; however, it’s important not to drill too many holes because they could get clogged up by roots during transplantation.
3. Temperature
Marijuana plants need temperatures between 65 degrees F and 80 degrees F during the day, but they also need warm temperatures at night between 60 degrees F and 75 degrees F.
If your temperature drops below 60 degrees F at night, then it may affect the growth of your plant. In order to ensure that you maintain proper temperature levels within your grow room, it is important that you invest in an air conditioner or dehumidifier that can be used in conjunction with any other cooling systems in place.
4. Start with Good Seeds
If you’re buying seeds online, it’s important that you purchase from reputable suppliers who sell quality products. You’ll want to make sure that they ship quickly as well so that your seeds arrive quickly after they’re ordered.
Be sure to check around at different suppliers before making a decision on who you want to buy from and get recommendations from other growers who have used those particular suppliers in the past.
5. Choose the right Strain for your Needs
Marijuana strains are divided into two main categories – Sativa and Indica. Sativa strains produce more energy and creativity than Indica strains which tend to produce a relaxed body high. If you’re looking for a quick high, Sativa may be better suited for you. Indica are helpful in treating insomnia and anxiety disorders.
6. Humidity
Humidity levels should be kept between 50 percent and 70 percent for optimal plant growth. You may have to invest in some additional equipment (such as humidifiers) if these levels are not available naturally. The higher the humidity level, the less frequent you need to water your plants.
7. Make Sure Your Soil Is Aerated
Marijuana plants need fresh air and lots of it. The more air circulation they get, the better they will do. This means that you need to make sure that there are no dead spots where stagnant air can collect.
8. Use a pH Meter
The pH of your soil will affect how well nutrients are absorbed by your plants’ roots. Marijuana prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5; if you’re not sure what your pH level is, it’s easy to test with a PH meter. Once you know what your pH is, you can adjust it by adding amendments like peat moss or lime (or both) until it’s where you want it to be.
Benefits of Growing your Own Marijuana
There are many other benefits to growing your own plants rather than buying them from a store:
1. You know what you are getting
Most people don’t realize that the marijuana they buy at their local dispensary could be laced with other drugs like cocaine or heroin. The only way to ensure that you get pure weed is by growing your own plants at home.
2. It’s Cheaper
Growing your own weed saves money because you don’t have to pay a middleman or distributor. Buying from these people is more expensive because
3. It’s Safer
Homegrown weed always tastes better than store-bought varieties because it hasn’t been treated with pesticides during its growth cycle.