Bringing Up Baby Potatoes

Bringing a new crop to market can be difficult for a farmer or even a group of farmers. However, a group of potato growers along the Oregon/California border, beset with declining profits for their crops over the decades, decided they needed a crop that could bring more value to their farms. They set up a … Read more

A Beauty of a Ranch

Pears, peaches and much more A dirt road leads up a hill to Blum Ranch in Acton, Calif., where the Blum family has been growing peaches, pears and lilacs, and keeping bees for more than a hundred years. In 1891, George Blum, a Swiss stonecutter working in Los Angeles, was looking for a better life … Read more

Risk Management Tools

Making tough decisions easier When it comes to making decisions for orchard management, it’s no longer a simple matter of removing a McIntosh block and replacing it with Honeycrisp. Growers need answers to questions such as: How much will plant density influence profit? Can I save money by incorporating new technology such as a platform? … Read more

The Quest to Save Soil

No-tillage production helps in southern Illinois Since the first cooled railcars carried strawberries to the population market in Chicago, southern Illinois has produced fruits and vegetables for the major population centers that rival major producing states such as Florida and California when it comes to taste. Those same beautiful hills and valleys that attract tourists … Read more