If you have flowers and want to save from their seeds, then you surely know that there are several methods to do this. But are you using it the right way? What if you changed the potential of a seed to grow into the same flower?
In today’s article, we talk about how to collect seeds from cut flowers.
When you do this, you are not actually stopping the natural process of reproduction and protecting the cycle of growth and reproduction of the plants. In general, it is not very easy to focus on such a mission, but it is really useful for your garden, whether you grow flowers or are focused only on vegetables.
Why save seeds?
Plants have a short life cycle, but the good thing is that it repeats themselves all the time. If you have a favorite flower, it is always better to propagate it from its seeds instead of buying other seeds. Why is that?
The meaning is both biological and spiritual, and you too will feel as if you have focused on saving one family, rather than adding many different individuals and stimulating reproduction.
And if you are wondering how to start, the process is very simple – you need to have flowers, but also enough desire and love to dedicate yourself to this kind of activity. You can also check with online flower delivery with kremp.com and choose what you really like, then continue the process as you planned.
Therefore, in the following, we will focus on the most detailed instructions on how to do it:
1. Cut the flower head
Do not cut the entire plant, because sometimes, if the conditions are right, these plants can survive much longer than you planned. What you need to do is use a clean knife or scissors to cut the flower head. Of course, you don’t do this when the flower is in bloom, but when it is already drying and it just takes away the strength of the whole plant.
It is very important that the blade is clean, as this is the only way you will not have any contamination, nor risk destroying the seed.
2. Collect the seeds
It is very important to collect the seeds when they are ripe. When they are not ripe, then you will not do anything. But when the seed is ripe, you have to remove it from the world. If necessary, leave the flower head in a dry place for a while and see how the situation develops.
Then, collect the seeds and store them in a paper bag. You can use beeswax wraps or regular wax paper to somehow preserve these seeds without the risk of them sprouting in the meantime.
3. Clean the seeds from the rest of the plant
The seeds have a longer shelf life, but if the husks and pods remain, they will over time create conditions for germination, making your plant unsafe for a long time.
Therefore, you should only have seeds in your wax paper, without any other parts of the plant. Do this before storing the seeds.
4. Let them dry
The seeds should be dried to delay the natural process of germination. In fact, you should leave them in a place where there is no moisture at all so that you can dry them properly and then collect them in a paper bag.
The seeds of any plant must be dried first if we really want to make a selection of the best quality plans. Furthermore, storage is also important, but we will explain more about that in the next paragraph.
5. Store them in a paper envelope
After you put the seeds in a paper bag or bag, you must close them well and store them somewhere dark and dry. In no case should you allow any moisture to get in because that way the seeds will mold or sprout, which is surely not the result you want to achieve.
6. Plan the planting
Flowers are usually planted in the spring so that they can sprout and grow into beautiful individuals. Sometimes you can start this process at home, in pots, and later transplant them outside in the garden.
Growing in a garden is more difficult because sometimes the climatic conditions can surprise. But in other cases, all that is skipped if you decide to start growing at home in a pot. Then, when the weather is right, you can move the flowers outside and let them reach their maximum beauty.
How to become an expert in gardening and horticulture?
In addition to formal education, which you don’t have to have, you can learn a lot yourself about plants and their characteristics. That means you need plenty of educational materials as well as online resources you can rely on. Cultivating plants is complex, but we must say that mankind has been doing it successfully for centuries. So it’s just up to you to learn as much as you can about these plants, but also focus on understanding them and recognizing certain behaviors.
When you manage to save multiple generations from the same starter plant, you actually manage to pass on energy, not just genetic characteristics. Is there anything better than knowing that some flowers have been with you for generations, remembering the original plant from which you extracted the first seeds?
Caring for flowers and plants is something that can make us better people in many different ways. First of all, commitment to something that is alive makes us realize how important we are to the life cycle of the world. We all have a limited time on the planet, yet our genes and energies continue to circulate long after us. The same thing happens with plants, especially when people themselves are involved in the process of breeding and saving a plant from the very first moment.
Therefore, in addition to being practical, the collection of seeds that we have described has a spiritual and energetic significance, which may be more important than the biological aspect of the reproduction of plants.