What Are The Different Consuming Methods Of Delta 9 THC Oil?

Delta 9 THC is the active ingredient in marijuana that produces the characteristic “high.” It is a type of cannabis oil that contains high levels of the psychoactive compound THC. Delta 9 THC Oil is typically made by extracting THC from marijuana plants. However, it can also be produced synthetically in a laboratory. It is … Read more

Categories CBD

3 Growing Techniques for Delta 8 Hemp Flower!

Are you a cannabis enthusiast? You may have heard about the new member of the cannabinoid family who recently made its way to the wellness world. Yes, we are talking about delta-8 THC. Though it is comparatively new in the market, it is already stealing hearts with its long list of therapeutic benefits. As you … Read more

Categories CBD

Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Indica

Cannabis can be just as confusing as it is controversial. Until recently, the plant wasn’t that popular. Now that the cannabis flower has generated huge public interest due to its many benefits,  lots of people are trying to learn more about the plant. The thing is, cannabis as a plant has a complex history that … Read more

Cannabis Growing Techniques No One Told You About

We’re living in an age where weed isn’t just about getting a trance feeling – it’s about knowing the plant, understanding its history, and appreciating its nuances. Growing Cannabis is not as simple as throwing some seeds into the ground and waiting for them to grow. The specific growing technique can make or break your … Read more

How to Grow Delta 8 Flower? – A Guide

Do you smoke, or are you in the process of quitting? If yes, there is one question that has probably crossed your mind. That is: how to grow delta-8 flowers? This blog post is for all vapers and smokers looking for tips on growing their cannabis. Delta 8 is the most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis. … Read more