Are the Giant African Land Snails Finally Gone from Florida?

Snails in Florida

Not long ago, South Florida was overflowing with giant African land snails. This exotic pets is feeds on more than 500 different of plants and causes damage to plaster and stucco. Furthermore, it also carries a parasitic nematode, which often leads to meningitis in humans. The voracious mollusk was first discovered in Miami-Dade County nearly … Read more

How to Successfully Grow Seedless Watermelon

How to Successfully Grow Seedless Watermelon

Seedless watermelon growth requires much more management and attention to detail, than the growing and production of regular seeded watermelons. Some extra steps are necessary to make sure the pollination and yields are right. Watermelons without seeds are not self-pollinating, pollinizers, or diploid watermelon crops. Henceforth, they must be included in production to provide pollen. … Read more

Xanthohumol has shown to lowers cholesterol, blood sugar and weight gain in lab tests


Oregon State University conducted a study that identified specific intake levels of xanthohumol, which is a natural flavonoid that is found in hops, significantly improve some markers of metabolic syndrome in lab animals, while also reducing weight gain. A special issue of Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics published these findings, which focus on “Polyphenols and … Read more

How to Choose the Best Farm Tractor for You – Five Essential Tips

Best Farm Tractor

When it comes to functionality and versatility, there are few, if any, machines that can come near a tractor, especially on a farm. Modern farming is unimaginable without a fleet of tractors, each performing various tasks vital for the success of the farm. Whether it is plowing, hauling, or any other farm task, tractors are … Read more