Resisting Rot: Ways to Prevent Anthracnose

Resisting Rot: Ways to Prevent Anthracnose

Imagine two strawberry growers with side-by-side booths at a local farmers market. One has plump, vibrant red strawberries stacked on top of a bushel basket. The other batch is clearly attacked by anthracnose, speckled with brown and black spots. Which strawberries do you think will sell? It takes hard work and good agricultural practices to … Read more

Use of Silicon for Healthier Greenhouse Plants

Use of Silicon for Healthier Greenhouse Plants

Raising resilient, high-quality marketable greenhouse crops requires the right mix of nutrients. The variety of commercially available fertilizers allows producers to provide a proper balanced level of minerals and nutrients to produce healthy plants. Incorporating silicon into your fertilizer program can be especially important for plants grown in soil-less substrates as silicon is naturally found … Read more

Protect Your Fruit From Birds

Protect Your Fruit From Birds

How to prevent your feathered friendsfrom eating your profits Whoever said there was no such thing as a free lunch hasn’t seen a flock of birds feasting on a grower’s fruit trees or berry bushes. In some cases, the damage is limited and a grower can simply ignore the problem, but sometimes birds can cause … Read more