Using Herbicides Within the Vegetation-Free Strip Method

Using Herbicides Within the Vegetation-Free Strip Method

Tis the season for frost as evident to some in the United States that are experiencing a roar from Ol’ Man Winter. As a grower, having an overall sufficient orchard floor management strategy is key to assuaging such concerns. A vegetation-free strip is one of the tried-and-true ways of providing warmth to the soil as … Read more

EPA Moves to Cancel the Insecticide Flubendiamide

Cancel the Insecticide Flubendiamide

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing a notice of intent to cancel all Bayer CropScience, LP and Nichino America, Inc., flubendiamide products that pose a risk to aquatic invertebrates that are important to the health of aquatic environments. Cancel the Insecticide Flubendiamide Read about: Soil Fertility and Your Farm Required studies showed flubendiamide breaks down … Read more

EPA Awards $500,000 to Help Reduce Children’s Exposure to Pesticides

Children’s Exposure to Pesticides

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced two grants to help reduce students’, teachers’ and staffs’ exposure to pests and pesticides in our nation’s schools, while saving money, energy and pesticide treatment costs. “Children are among the most vulnerable members of our society, and EPA is working to protect them from needless threats,” said Jim … Read more

What’s Right for Your Farm: Fungicides or Herbicides?

Fungicides or Herbicides

Choosing a pesticide is sometimes the only alternative to fighting off pests, weeds and diseases. With so many new pesticides on the market and science backing what’s better to use, it can make anyone’s head spin. Fungicides or Herbicides Understanding which pesticide to use, whether it be a fungicide or herbicide, can help your farm run … Read more

Managing for Soil Health

Soil Health

After four years of drought, California is finally starting to see an increase in precipitation. Despite the increase, the U.S. Drought Monitor reported in January that 100 percent of California’s soils remain “abnormally dry.” Since California farmers grow a vast majority of our nation’s produce, the ongoing drought is a significant concern. Yet at the … Read more